
Promotion of the manual "Theory and practice of foster care in Serbia - through professional work to the well-being of the child"

On Thursday, May 10, 2018. the promotion of the manual "Theory and practice of foster care in Serbia - through professional work to the well-being of the child" was held, published by the Center for Family Care and Adoption, Belgrade. The promotion was attended by Dragana Kačavenda and Boris Lovrić in front of the CPSU NS.
Mirjana Novakov, acting director of CPSU Belgrade , spoke about the manual , prof. Zorica Matejić Đuričić, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation Belgrade, Željka Burgund, Association of Experts for Child and Family Support "FICE - Serbia" and Dobrila Grujić, MA, author of the book.