
Regional meeting with representatives of social work centers of South Bačka, Srem and Central Banat administrative districts.

On Friday, October 11, 2019, in the organization of CPSU NS, a regional meeting was held with representatives of social work centers of Južnobački, Sremski and Srednjobanatski administrative districts, in the ceremonial hall of the Children's Village "Dr. Milorad Pavlović".
The participants of the meeting were greeted by Predrag Radović, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Social Policy, Maja Raljić Nikić, Inspector of Social Protection, in front of the Provincial Secretariat for Social Policy, Demography and Gender Equality, Dragana Kilibarda, Director of the Center for Family care and Adoption Subotica and Ivan Koprivić, Director of the Center for Family Care and Adoption in Novi Sad. The aim of the regional meeting was to exchange previous experiences, acquire new knowledge, and improve the cooperation achieved.