
The action of collecting hygiene packages

Dear friends,
The Center for Family Care and Adoption in Novi Sad organizes an action to collect hygiene packages, intended for children aged 0-3 without adequate parental care, who are urgently placed in foster families.For children who are in foster care, we want to provide the necessary first packages, which will significantly facilitate the foster carers who take care of these children. We lack diapers, wet wipes, creams and other hygiene products that are needed to take care of the little ones.
You can bring your donations to the premises of the Center for Family Care and Adoption Novi Sad, Dečje selo, house number 3, in the period from June 7, 2023. until July 7, 2023. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., every working day. For any additional information, you can contact e-mail: cpsuns@cpsuns.rs or no. telephone: 021/461-171; 021/30-10-563. Thank you to everyone who understands the need to support urgent foster families and children.
The team of the Center for Family Care and Adoption Novi Sad!