
School supplies collection action

Dear friends,

The Center for Family Care and Adoption in Novi Sad organizes an action to collect school supplies, intended for children without adequate parental care.
For children living in foster care, we want to provide the necessary school supplies that will brighten up the beginning of the new school year.

You can donate notebooks, pads, various crayons, backpacks, pencil cases, pencils, rulers and anything else that can be useful to schoolchildren.

You can bring your donations to the premises of the Center for Family Care and Adoption, Novi Sad, Dečje selo, house number 3, in the period from August 14, 2023. until 01.09.2023. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., every working day.

For all additional information, you can contact the e-mail: cpsuns@cpsuns.rs or the no. telephone: 021/461-171; 021/30-10-563. Thank you to everyone who understands the need to support foster families and children in foster care. 

The team of the Center for Family Care and Adoption Novi Sad!