
Promotion of foster care in the show "Novи Сad postcards" on RTV

As part of the promotion of foster care and through the presentation of examples of good practice, our foster carer Marietta Dir from Beocin spoke about her family's experiences.
The attachment was shown on October 5, 2023. on Radio-television Vojvodina as part of "Novi Sad postcards".
We would like to thank dear Marietta for all her selfless contributions to the development of foster care, as well as RTV, which is open to cooperation and sensitized to report on these important topics.
You can view the attachment with foster mother Dir at the attached link.
Also, our colleague Jelica Marić Dević spoke about the need for new foster families, the procedures for general eligibility for fostering and the announcement of the new cycle of the "Safe Step to Fostering" Preparation Program for fostering.
This guest appearance in "Novi Sad postcards" of Radio-television Vojvodina was another opportunity to update the topic of family care and point out the importance of a responsible approach of all involved in the protection of children.
You can watch the entire interview at the attached link.