
Foster care as shared parenting

Foster care as shared parenting is a new service that grew out of a project implemented by the Provincial Institute for Social Protection "Development of kinship foster care, divided caring for children with disabilities and cultural competent practice in social work ". This project is an integral part of the IPA 2013 project “ Strengthening of the judicial system and social protection in order to improve the protection of children in Serbia” funded by European Union and implemented by UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of Labor, Employment, veterans’ and social affairs.

Foster care as shared parenting aims to prevent separation of children, young persons with disabilities, from primary families through supporting service users in accordance with their needs , capacities and with their maximum participation.

Biological parents and children, young people, are the main creators and educators in planning services offered by foster care as shared parenting. Perents propose a service provider from the circle of relatives, friends and trained foster families, so that children, young people and parents get an adequate response to their needs.

Center for Foster Care and Adoption Novi Sad, in partnership with the Center for Social Work of Novi Sad, is working on the establishing and providing this services to users.
Attached video clip shows the importance of providing this service for family and for prevention of institutional care for children.
